Creatively, I can be a bit random.
What started for me as the question, “How can I put a preview of my last Substack post on Instagram when Instagram is mostly videos these days” turned into “Well why don’t I just make a short video reading an excerpt of my post” which turned into, “Well, I’m recording this anyway, I might as well record the whole thing” which ultimately turned into, “If I’m going to do this damn thing, let’s make sure it has some decent production values!”
I’m fairly certain I’d hit more of my goals (As if I set them! Ha!) if I were less of a spaz, but I would almost certainly execute on fewer fun, spontaneous ideas.
Anyway, for those who prefer that sort of thing, here’s the video version of “Arbitrary Sacred Places”:
And if you somehow missed the original post or just wound up here via direct link, here’s the original essay this video is taken from: