I Was Told "America Depends on the UK for Legitimacy." Big Mistake.
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In my online commentary, I’ve been full-tilt pushing back on American involvement in Ukraine. I’ve made my arguments here and elsewhere, so I won’t rehash them now.
And then I saw a story about a British man being arrested in the middle of the night for posting on Facebook that he doesn’t want to see Palestinian flags all over the UK.
“The UK is an enemy,” I posted, “not an ally.”
And then I got lectured:
I retorted:
The world can’t find its ass with both hands.
What nation that hasn’t declared us an enemy isn’t in some way dependent on us? We are the only reason there’s any peace in the world at all.
We ensured that at Breton Woods.
And we should be seriously considering letting you all find out what things are like without our stabilizing hand.
For most of the 20th century, oh-so-civilized Europe couldn’t stop massacring its own. It abandoned the faith that made it great wholesale, and then needed the very nation Europeans sneer at to come and save the continent — twice.
We are the last bastion of freedom, authenticity, and innovation in the world.
For all of our problems, it would literally take the entire planet joining together to rival us, and that would never happen, because you’re all too busy self-destructing while looking down your noses at everyone else.
America *is* the motherfucking West.
But Lambchop here wasn’t done:
To this, I replied:
You really think incredibly highly of yourselves.
Europe is gone. There is no true Europe anymore. Your ideology is as empty as your old cathedrals. You squandered the inheritance of the greatest civilization that has ever lived so you could import millions of third world immigrants who rape and murder your women and children and despise what remains of the culture you threw away.
Everything about modern-day Europe is antithetical to the old world that was. I spent nearly half a year there in the late 90s, before the EU took over, and it was already getting bad then. But as a cradle Catholic in love with my faith, I wanted to believe that Christendom could rise again.
It can't. It won't. It's dead.
America is the bastard child of that once-great civilization. Sadly, we mostly got the Protestant parts, but that fueled our individualism and restrained our groupthink, and made us believe God's blessings were made manifest by our prosperity. So we worked hard and we kicked ass and we made this the greatest nation on earth.
We are all that's left. Gramsci and his Frankfurt School sought to destroy us from within, and he had no small success. We are fighting the same woke nonsense and irrational concern over being labeled "racists" or "homophobes" or "xenophobes" that is currently choking Europe to death.
Fortunately, we're not as far along as you.
What you don't seem to understand is that while the world is envious of America, while they sneer at our perceived lack of erudition or hate us for our power and our wealth, not a single country that isn't America is being flocked to for its way of life. Your immigrants come to conquer you. Our immigrants want all that we have to offer. The difference is real. And has always been.
You think Russia takes Europe seriously? You think China does? If America weren't involved, the Ukraine war would have been over in a week. If America weren't standing in the way, Taiwan would have already been invaded.
We sat down at the end of World War II, the only nation with a still-functioning navy and a growing nuclear arsenal, and we told the world that we were the new sheriff in town, and we were all going to play nicely with each other and trade with each other and grow rich.
And for 80 years, we ushered in an era of prosperity the likes of which the world has never seen.
But things change. We've been too magnanimous, and too permissive, and far, far too generous. We've allowed the toxic ideologies that have hollowed out the old country to take root and begin to flourish here at home. We've spent trillions defending those who chose not to defend themselves, as they temporarily improved their quality of life at our expense.
Trump's re-election was the last big populist shove we had. If it does what we want it to, the momentum will build and continue. If it doesn't, we might just (officially, at least) go the way of Europe and Canada and the other former colonies of the British Empire.
But one difference remains: we are self-sufficient, we are undefeatable at home, and we are indefatigable. Our people don't come from cowed peasant stock, accustomed to the oppression of kings and tyrants. We threw off those shackles, and have revolution in our blood. Over 300 million firearms lie in the hands of American citizens, and those are just the ones that are registered - not the shit we have buried out in the back yard. We will not go gently into that good night.
Am I chest thumping? You bet your ass I am. Because I've traveled extensively, not just through all 48 of the continental US states, but throughout Europe, Canada, and Mexico. I married into a Chinese family that moved here to get away from the conditions back home. I know for a goddamm fact that there is no place like it. And never will be again.
As Asia begins its descent into the dark night of demographic collapse, as globalism comes grinding to a halt after American ships stop patrolling the maritime lanes, as whatever parts of childless Europe remain standing after the suicidal embrace of Islamic hijra begin to crumble and fall, we will remain.
The world will begin to descend into chaos, famine, and decay. They will beg us to save them. And we won't, because we can't. All of you are too far gone, and we have to protect what's ours at home.
So have fun feeling morally superior, because in our lifetime, that feeling is going to disappear astonishingly quickly.
It will be sad to see all those breweries, wineries and distilleries close after Sharia is implemented.
What an awesome read!