You don't want to be in a desert if the power goes off. Say what you will about Virginia, but there is at least accessible water.

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That is definitely among my thoughts.

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We've talked about this. I've had the exact same thing - an urgent "call" or push to leave where I was living and take up a whole new Thing in life, a few times. It's all led me here, and it seems to be going ok, so far. However odd.

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Did everything change? It feels like really everything didn't change but everyone is just very aware right now of how close we came to those alternate timelines where everything really did change. But since (in this timeline) things didn't really change, I think that awareness will naturally fade and this will become just one of like 50 small-medium things (and the one BIG thing- Biden's mental capacity) influencing people's votes 4 months from now.

Relatedly I guess I don't think the woman should be dragged for sharing a meme. I've definitely seen some that I laughed at

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Changing my opinion on whether the assassin Crooks had some kind of assistance, based on analysis of Blackwater founder (and former Navy Seal) Erik Prince and especially (Canadian) global sniper record holder Dallas Alexander (see today's press, especially thegatewaypundit.com, which article I am not posting). Mr. Alexander said Crooks had to have had some kind of inside assistance from some agency, department, government department. I agree.

And if Wray and Merrick head up the "investigation," such involvement will be covered up (see J6

"riot', among other incongruities and irregular goverment activities around all things Trump.

I'm also reading Trump's security is NOT being increased. At least RFK Jr. was finally given USSS protection.

What happened on July 13, 2024, is a bad omen. Rough seas ahead. God saved President Trump. Let us pray without ceasing for the preservation of the republic. Hope and pray for the best, prepare for the worst.

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Not sure the full ramifications but Pennsylvania is an open carry state so even if they saw the shooter ascending to his position with a gun in plain sight, I don’t t think security had probable cause to do anything until it’s too late. That the country in general is not appalled at the incident, though, is very unsettling. Not sure what we are in for. Scary times, for sure.

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Pretty sure presidential security overrides open carry statutes.

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Open carry doesn't mean you can't be challenged. Especially under the circumstances of a presidential campaign rally.

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Really good writing, Steve. Very thought-provoking. Re: the end part of the essay: I say go with your wife's gut instincts (which seem to be your own, as well, sort of). Yeah, your moving close to Wash DC, where the proverbial action is in case of troubles, but also that is likely to be where the most help will be (all those tax-payer provided resources). All those military bases. DIdn't you say you'd be closer to family, even though not family you necessarily want to see? Well, you may change your mind on that, or they may need you.

I don't think the USSS was in on it, I think we saw pure incompetence. (But then God made Trump turn his head slightly, let us thank his guardian angel as well. Tens of millions pray for Trump, his family and associates every day--it's like a movement.) DEI is sufficient for hugely incompetent people being put in charge of everything (see Buttigieg, see Kamala and her "work" on securing the border--see Biden--could the man on the street randomly chosen not do a better job than he is?) Listen to the name of the new head of the USSS: Cheatle. And listen to the name of the assasin: Crooks. Ms. Cheatle is not a former Navy Seal, not Special Ops, but instead some former executive at Pepsi (?) with no military or police or alphabet agency (FBI, CIA) experience. Figures. The founder of Blackwater (former Navy Seal) said what occured yesterday was an appalling display of incompetence or malice (Eric Prince). He wrote an good article (or a big Tweet, google it).

I also think the event is a bad omen. It doesn't mean Trump will necessarily have an attempt on his life again, but that something big stinks in America. Unless a new sanity reigns, the "lawfare" plan seems to be to make sure Trump is in jail during the election (on "Trumped up charges"). Right there, what is the liklihood of a free and fair election? Zero. Okay, say he's not in jail. What is the liklihood that the same techniques (or some new ones like having 11 million illegals voting) used to "rig" 2020 will not be reployed to get Obama his 4th term so that the globalists (WEF, Soros) get their way and we're all forced into CBDCs and accepting chips in our hands with our medical records (with mandatory vaxxes) and social scores on the embedded chip? Do not accept the Mark of the Beast.

The Left may decide to turn off the lights rather than let Trump win, for instance. This is a modern warfare technique that is very effective. But whatever techniques might be used, I predict "the good guys" are not going to take it lying down this time. There will be a huge power struggle, perhaps spanning years, and we could end up with Red States of America and Blue States of America. Later, God willing, we'll reunite, after the "woke" is gone, the DEI is extinguished, the CRT is rejected, the election "rigging" is gone, and the country returns to God, the God of the Bible. Which Bible? Catholic, of course. I'm not giving up 7 books in the OT, no sir. Besides, St. Peter's bones are buried underneath the altar in the Vatican. "On this rock... and the gates of Hell will not prevail." We have the Marian apparitions (Akita, Fatima) that point to a period of turmoil that must be endured--turmoil in the church, turmoil on the earth.

I am actually optimistic. People are waking up, as you say, Steve I cling to St. Padre Pio's motto: "Pray, hope, and don't worry." This from a man who bore the painful stigmata of Christ for 50 years, was regularly beaten in the night by demons in his monastery cell in San Giovanni de Rotondo, Italy (after having heard 12 hours of confessions during the day), lived almost on no food (other than Holy Communion and a very little bit of food, yet had normal weight), endured WW2, was forbidden to say mass in public for 10 years by the RCC, could bilocate, perform miracles, see future events, and read hearts.

Let us join in Cardinal Burke's "Nine Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe." It is a 2.5 minute prayer. Millions are praying it. The more we pray, the greater the blessings that will flow on our families and country and the entire world. I am attaching one version of it.


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Jul 16
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"It's exhausting to be part of history when one carries an abiding suspicion that the history we think we're living is only the story sold to dupes"

I agree. But I'm starting to wonder if we really have the luxury of not thinking this.

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