It is a fascinating and mind blowing interview. The guy comes off as absolutely sincere and believable. Of course, world views and belief systems are addictive and so materialist skeptics and religiously conservative folks are not going to change. I can hear Dreher (who I like) crying "demons!" To my mind Shakespeare had it right when he had Hamlet say "There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio."
Yeah, I'm tired of the "everything is demonic" crowd. I'm not saying there aren't demons or preternatural beings out there, I'm only saying we don't know what these things are at the moment.
The best part of the interview was at the beginning, where you can learn the secretes of Chuck Norris and how he manages to kick-ass in his 80's.
"We had telekinetic children from Germany, left-handed gay men, mediums, psychics, billionares and we summoned a UAP". Did you have that most rare of devices, a phone like device with the ability to take a photo of video to document this event? "No, unfortunately we didn't have one of those".......
You're being asked to believe that beings from another planet or dimension can use unknown, impossible tech to travel to our world, but somehow can't keep their Egg craft from crashing, once here. (and, these Egg craft may have been suggested to the creators of that awful 1980's show "Mork and Mindy" to prepare you for such a disclosure).
There are about 3 billion video recorders in our pockets, all around the world. All we are asking for is one clear video of an Egg craft, flying or crashing. It's like searching YouTube for Bigfoot. There are about 10,000 people who are convinced this man-ape is out there. What you will not find is a single convincing photo or video of this hominid.
I am most definitely not psychic and I have no telekinetic abilities. However, I predict that one year from now, we will know no more about strange craft and beings than we know now. I further predict that the people looking to fund these "discoveries" will mysteriously disappear with the "donations".
Second comment: Well, I listened to the whole thing. It looks like the alien reveal is upon on. Glad we have Trump at the helm and not someone else. I thought Jake was credible. What I don't understand is: where are the aliens from? What are they here for? Are they benign (he seems to think so). Regarding those with ESP, could they tell us where Malaysian flight 370 is (its fuselage); it could save a lot of money as the search is starting again to find that airplane, which is probably somewhere in the Indian Ocean near the coast of Africa. Also, could those with ESP tell us who killed Jon Benet Ramsey? There are a lot of missing persons and unsolved crimes. I would like those with ESP to be used to help solve these crimes.
If the aliens are able to communicate to people with ESP, are all those people in agreement on what the aliens are communicating? My bet: no. So, those with ESP can summon the alien craft. Okay, start summoning them, maybe it would put an end to the wars. Maybe the alien craft could help put out the fires in LA, which are relentless and spreading.
If there are aliens upon us, I sort of think it's the beginning of the end, the end of the planet. Maybe God is allowing this to happen now because there is so much evil afoot in the world, unchecked, and this will turn people's minds to eternal things.
"What I don't understand is: where are the aliens from? What are they here for? Are they benign (he seems to think so)."
He said they don't know the answers to the first two questions. Said even the psionics teams don't have answers for that.
He thinks they're benevolent, because he's had that experience, but there are plenty of stories of malevolent NHI encounters out there, so I wonder if he just hasn't encountered that kind yet.
I wish John Lear and Art Bell were still around. Bell interviewed Lear a few times, but one in particular stood out to me, because Lear claimed that there were multiple alien civilizations that are malevolent in nature. He did not go into detail any further, and that frustrated me quite a bit. I want to say it was around September of 94 when they had the convo, I think it's easily found on YouTube.
Well if the aliens are here (and it sounds like they are), I would say it is the beginning of the end. Now the Bible says there will be an end and so did Jesus. So we should prepare ourselves for some serious problems because the aliens seem to have superior tech.
I think the “aliens” have always been here. Humans are probably the “aliens” that have, throughout history, tried to explain “consciousness” and made up elaborate religions with ridiculous rules to explain it.
I don't think Christianity has ridiculous rules. Most of our laws are based on the ten commandments. Can you suggest a better list of rules than that? Second, what proof or indications exist that we are alien to Planet Earth and that aliens were here before us?
I am trying to go to FL (with stops in between), so this is a preliminary comment based strictly on what you've written, not having time to listen to the interivew (which i will listen to and comment later): if the aliens can physically manifest themselves as a being, I'd like to see that. Let them hold a press conference. If all the communication with these beings involves psychics and spirits and consciousness involving left-handed gay men (children, native Americans), I would say this could be communication with demonic spirits (who are liars--we have to remember that, that the devil is a liar). Dreher seems to think the UAPs involve some demonic manifestations--I think I'm with him on this.
It's not that I don't believe in psychics. I do think some people have ESP. And that ESP can be used for good purposes. However, I don't want to pursue it. I do not have ESP.
I will not be perturbed if there are aliens (physical aliens, not just spirits or orbs), but I will not seek out anything involving trying to communicate with beings I cannot see with my eyes and hear with my ears. Why? Because I don't know where it's coming from. We may be in the End Times. Strange stuff is happening.
Like what? Like so many powerful people thinking it's a good idea to sexually mutilate children or force vaccinations (which is really "experimental gene theraphy") against a person's will, with the threat (in the past) of employment defenestration for refusal. Many were maimed and killed by the violation of the Nuremberg Code in this manner. Vaxxes were forced on children.
How off the rails do people have to be to see that these policies, which we've barely escaped, are evil and insane? Putting naked men in locker rooms and prisons with naked women, by force. Insanity and evil. An attack on women and girls, pure and simple. There are some horrible movies out and movie awards (nominations) coming out--transgenders on parade one way of other.
So that is why I am being very very cautious with the UAP stuff. Let the aliens appear and communicate, then we can make judgments, after much prayer. Let's just hope they are not hostile.
It is a fascinating and mind blowing interview. The guy comes off as absolutely sincere and believable. Of course, world views and belief systems are addictive and so materialist skeptics and religiously conservative folks are not going to change. I can hear Dreher (who I like) crying "demons!" To my mind Shakespeare had it right when he had Hamlet say "There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio."
Yeah, I'm tired of the "everything is demonic" crowd. I'm not saying there aren't demons or preternatural beings out there, I'm only saying we don't know what these things are at the moment.
The best part of the interview was at the beginning, where you can learn the secretes of Chuck Norris and how he manages to kick-ass in his 80's.
"We had telekinetic children from Germany, left-handed gay men, mediums, psychics, billionares and we summoned a UAP". Did you have that most rare of devices, a phone like device with the ability to take a photo of video to document this event? "No, unfortunately we didn't have one of those".......
You're being asked to believe that beings from another planet or dimension can use unknown, impossible tech to travel to our world, but somehow can't keep their Egg craft from crashing, once here. (and, these Egg craft may have been suggested to the creators of that awful 1980's show "Mork and Mindy" to prepare you for such a disclosure).
There are about 3 billion video recorders in our pockets, all around the world. All we are asking for is one clear video of an Egg craft, flying or crashing. It's like searching YouTube for Bigfoot. There are about 10,000 people who are convinced this man-ape is out there. What you will not find is a single convincing photo or video of this hominid.
I am most definitely not psychic and I have no telekinetic abilities. However, I predict that one year from now, we will know no more about strange craft and beings than we know now. I further predict that the people looking to fund these "discoveries" will mysteriously disappear with the "donations".
Second comment: Well, I listened to the whole thing. It looks like the alien reveal is upon on. Glad we have Trump at the helm and not someone else. I thought Jake was credible. What I don't understand is: where are the aliens from? What are they here for? Are they benign (he seems to think so). Regarding those with ESP, could they tell us where Malaysian flight 370 is (its fuselage); it could save a lot of money as the search is starting again to find that airplane, which is probably somewhere in the Indian Ocean near the coast of Africa. Also, could those with ESP tell us who killed Jon Benet Ramsey? There are a lot of missing persons and unsolved crimes. I would like those with ESP to be used to help solve these crimes.
If the aliens are able to communicate to people with ESP, are all those people in agreement on what the aliens are communicating? My bet: no. So, those with ESP can summon the alien craft. Okay, start summoning them, maybe it would put an end to the wars. Maybe the alien craft could help put out the fires in LA, which are relentless and spreading.
If there are aliens upon us, I sort of think it's the beginning of the end, the end of the planet. Maybe God is allowing this to happen now because there is so much evil afoot in the world, unchecked, and this will turn people's minds to eternal things.
"What I don't understand is: where are the aliens from? What are they here for? Are they benign (he seems to think so)."
He said they don't know the answers to the first two questions. Said even the psionics teams don't have answers for that.
He thinks they're benevolent, because he's had that experience, but there are plenty of stories of malevolent NHI encounters out there, so I wonder if he just hasn't encountered that kind yet.
I wish John Lear and Art Bell were still around. Bell interviewed Lear a few times, but one in particular stood out to me, because Lear claimed that there were multiple alien civilizations that are malevolent in nature. He did not go into detail any further, and that frustrated me quite a bit. I want to say it was around September of 94 when they had the convo, I think it's easily found on YouTube.
Well if the aliens are here (and it sounds like they are), I would say it is the beginning of the end. Now the Bible says there will be an end and so did Jesus. So we should prepare ourselves for some serious problems because the aliens seem to have superior tech.
I think the “aliens” have always been here. Humans are probably the “aliens” that have, throughout history, tried to explain “consciousness” and made up elaborate religions with ridiculous rules to explain it.
I don't think Christianity has ridiculous rules. Most of our laws are based on the ten commandments. Can you suggest a better list of rules than that? Second, what proof or indications exist that we are alien to Planet Earth and that aliens were here before us?
I am trying to go to FL (with stops in between), so this is a preliminary comment based strictly on what you've written, not having time to listen to the interivew (which i will listen to and comment later): if the aliens can physically manifest themselves as a being, I'd like to see that. Let them hold a press conference. If all the communication with these beings involves psychics and spirits and consciousness involving left-handed gay men (children, native Americans), I would say this could be communication with demonic spirits (who are liars--we have to remember that, that the devil is a liar). Dreher seems to think the UAPs involve some demonic manifestations--I think I'm with him on this.
It's not that I don't believe in psychics. I do think some people have ESP. And that ESP can be used for good purposes. However, I don't want to pursue it. I do not have ESP.
I will not be perturbed if there are aliens (physical aliens, not just spirits or orbs), but I will not seek out anything involving trying to communicate with beings I cannot see with my eyes and hear with my ears. Why? Because I don't know where it's coming from. We may be in the End Times. Strange stuff is happening.
Like what? Like so many powerful people thinking it's a good idea to sexually mutilate children or force vaccinations (which is really "experimental gene theraphy") against a person's will, with the threat (in the past) of employment defenestration for refusal. Many were maimed and killed by the violation of the Nuremberg Code in this manner. Vaxxes were forced on children.
How off the rails do people have to be to see that these policies, which we've barely escaped, are evil and insane? Putting naked men in locker rooms and prisons with naked women, by force. Insanity and evil. An attack on women and girls, pure and simple. There are some horrible movies out and movie awards (nominations) coming out--transgenders on parade one way of other.
So that is why I am being very very cautious with the UAP stuff. Let the aliens appear and communicate, then we can make judgments, after much prayer. Let's just hope they are not hostile.
It really is hard to know what to make of it, but he comes across as totally sincere.
Others from his team have now been interviewed about their experiences, and it gets even weirder.
Buckle up.
I will try to post links to the others tomorrow.