Steve, this is a great option, especially for those interminable drives to the office! Thanks!

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I think the audio narration is a cool option, as I'm always listening to *something* when I'm driving for work, or go out for a walk at the park. Having said that, I'm already glutted with audio content at the moment (a friend and I are working through an audiobook series), so it'll be a bit before I utilize it. I'm also a visual learner, so my ability to digest and retain information is vastly higher when it's in print. I guess if it were an option, I'd rather take an extra subscriber-only post or two a month than the audio option. But if the audio option becomes a thing, I will make intermittent use of it.

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I would be happy to continue hearing your voice 😋. I used to follow your YouTube channel and loved your wit and authenticity.

I'm OK with just reading- if it takes too much of your time (off of Twitter, basically 😉) - but an audio would definitely be a +, as I often don't read you until the end, for a lack of time, and then forget to come back and finish the reading. And THAT'S. REALLY. stupid and sad.

Take care and let God bless you ☺️🌹

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FWIW, I'd probably continue to read your content. I do listen to a lot of podcast content for when I'm driving or exercising, but (a) I have quite a lot of that content already, and (b) for ideas that require more of a need to "read, mark, and inwardly digest", I prefer reading over listening.

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Personally I think it's a good addition. I like to read the article first, and then go back and listen to it. For whatever reason, I seem to absorb the article better by reading and listening. It must hit different parts of the brain, I dunno.

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I read faster than I listen so I prefer to read rather than listen to podcasts. Having both options is optimal.

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Steve - off topic for this post but your most recent is locked so I hope you don't mind.

To be blunt, you are blowing it. You have to stop with the self-pity, victim mentality, and move on with your life before you lose everything near and dear to you. I know it's not easy, but you don't have any choice. Yes, terrible things have happened but you have to let them go before the whole ugly mess destroys your life, and the lives of those you love.

Like you I was a cradle catholic but I long ago left the church also in disgust. After that I learned the hard way how incredibly self-destructive self-pity can be with it ultimately leading to addiction, hedonism, and loss of self-respect. God pulled me out of that ugly morass, but only after putting really good people in my life that read me the riot act. I was destroying myself and I had stop it, but no one was going to do it for me. Seriously my brother, I don't know a lot about the specifics of your situation (though I have read 1P5 on and off for years) but I can see the same self-destructive emptiness in your recent writings that once took me to a very ugly place.

Christ is very real, and He truly heals all pain. Don't let the hypocritical actions of these wicked men destroy your relationship with Him. Speaking in love from a brother who has been there, and prays for joy for you and your family.

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