Congratulations Sophie!!!

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May 29Liked by Steve Skojec

Congratulations Sophie!

Thanks Steve for the thoughtful movie reviews.

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Your daughter's such a pretty girl.

Also glad Kirsten Dunst has the beginning of a double chin. Doesn't make me feel so bad being middle aged.

I live in St. Louis. With all the gunshots at night, no one would be able to tell the difference between war and an ordinary night. 🤷

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Very interesting. I admit I haven't watched it because I assumed it would be a left wing propaganda movie about how evil Trump and half of the country are, and that they are totally at fault for the caustic divide in our nation. I still believe this is a good country full of decent people, whether moderately left or right, that's where the normies are in my opinion. And I really wish both Biden and Trump would not run, which I think would help lower the temperature a little bit. But I understand the reality of what's coming and must "get used to this appointment" as Dread Pirate Roberts said. Steve, I'm very curious of how you see this election unfolding, and what the aftermath will be whichever way it goes. Personally, I'm bracing myself, I just don't see any good outcomes looming in the distance.

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I honestly can't get a read on it. If they can't get Trump in jail, he's probably going to win. But who knows what other surprises they have planned?

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Well, the fake-case "verdict" is in, and IMO, 05/30/24 probably marks the beginning of the end of the republic. You know, in 410 AD, Rome was sacked. No one stood up and said "The Western Roman Empire just ended." No, it was the beginning of the end. And in 476 AD, no one stood up and said "Rome has fallen and will not rise again." But it had.

The Left will now proceed to risk starting WW3, and/or release the bird flu (along with a mRNA vax, which will potentially require paper balloting with unmanned drop boxes (that's how you flip elections to the loser, along with registering illegal immigrants). If things get very serious, China's new form of Ebola (they've done the gain-of-function work) will get out of the lab accidentally, but then it's really going to be over for most of mankind.

So F16's are being authorized for use against the Russian territory, shipped via Denmark and Netherlands, with an expectation that pilots should be trained up for bombing runs by July or August. Then Biden just authorized (people didn't notice with the verdict distracting everyone) the use of American-made missiles by Ukraine to strike within Russia territory.

Why does the Deep State (and the Left) want to start WW3? Well, to overturn tables--they have their bunkers, the rest of us would be left to fend for ourselves. A lot of data is coming out on the harm the vaxxes caused, and there is naturally going to be a call to hold relevant officials responsible. So, good time to start overturning tables. Also, the US is issuing a trillion in debt every 100 days, and historically, whenever debt reaches 130% of GDP (we're there), there is a collapse of that country's currency. So we need to redo the currency (probably a push for CBDCs, which will lead to techno-serfdom) or learn to live with run-away inflation. A wider war (or all out WW3) would justify things like Marshall Law, or calls for restricting certain freedoms and rights, and calls to go to a new currency ("the great reset") via CBDCs (with social scores, see China, and penalties for "wrong think"). Covid and its lockdowns and experimental vax mandates (take it or lose your job, a sort of financial decapitation) were a sort of dry run for more of the same, or for more severe epidemics and sanctions for refusing the experimental mRNA gene-therapy technology.

Now, all that being said, I think the real action is taking place on the spiritual plane, and for that reason, I have hope. God can fetch victory out of jaws of defeat. It depends on us to appeal to Him to turn back these global risks, bring the people back to Him, stop the wars, and end the corruption, including the corruption of the US judicial system ("lawfare"). There are ways we can work and pray for the reform of our country. But things can't be improved without God's grace and that means each one of us must turn to Him with all our hearts, reform our lives, pray, fast and work for peace, fairness, honesty and kindness to our fellow man. Work as if everything depends on you and pray as if everything depends on God. God bless America.

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