Then you're going to have to actually evangelize and persuade, not merely admonish. Admonishments have never turned a man intellectually convinced that aspects of the faith were wrong into a true believer.
I said why leave the safety of the Church? It’s more of a statement of concern than admonishment. Then I held out a very genuine invitation to do my best to “counsel the doubtful.” I’m certainly willing to persuade, and if I need to be mores so, I take the admonishment.
Yes, I’d just like to see him in the safety of the Church.
Then you're going to have to actually evangelize and persuade, not merely admonish. Admonishments have never turned a man intellectually convinced that aspects of the faith were wrong into a true believer.
I said why leave the safety of the Church? It’s more of a statement of concern than admonishment. Then I held out a very genuine invitation to do my best to “counsel the doubtful.” I’m certainly willing to persuade, and if I need to be mores so, I take the admonishment.