
(Comments are on for everyone today.)

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I kept clicking on the video but all I got was, "Oops, an error in loading." I'm using Microsoft Edge browser. Maybe another would work.

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This is gonna be good. In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving! It's all about the booze, football , and pie. Maybe in that order.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Steve Skojec

I am writing this on January 10, 2022. I am apparently too stupid to figure out how to send you a direct, private comment. I'm frustrated enough that I'm doing it this way. I am disappointed and feel a bit scammed that I subscribed to your substack. I did it when you were in the midst of an existential crisis and just before you left One Peter Five. (Full disclosure: I am not a Trad) What did I subscribe to? You don't even write anything. I follow you on social media but all I see there are angry comments about how much you hate traditional Catholics and lame attempts to appeal to others who have had similarly bad experiences with the Catholic Faith. I hope you can pull yourself together. I don't want my money back, but you might as well have run a GoFundMe; it would have been more honest.

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Your criticism is fair, Carrie. I keep thinking "this week I'll get back to writing regularly" and then I just can't come up with anything that feels worth saying. What I'm wrestling with, the stuff that comes out on Twitter, is what's on my mind all the time, and it feels repetitive and annoying to keep writing about.

I don't know if you've ever been in a funk so deep you just can't pull yourself out of it. I wasn't trying to scam anyone. I used to write pretty much every day, and thought that would keep happening here. If I can't get the ball rolling here this month, I'll suspend subscriptions. I apologize.

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It was decent of you to reply--thanks. I wish you a lot of luck, and hope you will persevere--you know you have talent; sometimes you just have to write *something*. It will come back.

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Looking forward to your essay! Great to see you and your family enjoying your travels and new place! (in recent posts) God bless!

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Don’t know where you are in NH but immaculate conception church —assuming Fr. Gary is still there—made us contemplate a move to Portsmouth. I guess the bigger assumption is that you’re looking for a parish to belong to.

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I'm looking forward to the essay Steve.

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Start liking it.

As what's left of the middle class gets eviscerated and the carcass picked clean, as the endless pointless wars never end (Afghanistan being a welcome exception, but Biden is doubling down everywhere else), as it becomes more and more obvious to everyone that the only thing that working moderately hard and playing by the rules that matter will get the 99% these days is old, let us recall the words of the Book of Habbakuk, Chapter 1, verse 5:

"“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you."

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On the other hand, Jeremiah prophesying doom may be more appropriate for the times we are in. I mean, somebody has to live through the fall of Jerusalem and the burning of the temple.

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