I think it's probably going to become the go-to book for establishing what the US government knows/is doing on the UAP issue.
He did reveal some new stuff -- like the fact that he's seen servicemen have implants of unknown origin removed by surgery after UAP encounters and the implants are mobile, and can evade excision, and keep moving for a short while after they are removed. Here's an excerpt:
"I already knew from other research and interviews that doctors had seen cases where the alleged alien implant evaded extraction by moving subcutaneously when doctors tried to excise it. I heard similar stories when investigating implants removed from otherwise healthy soldiers. Physicians really had to work to pin down and cut out the objects. With my background in microbiology, I was perplexed how highly motile objects such as these could move without creating a devastating path of tissue destruction inside the human body. Where was the white cell response? Where was the destructive immune cascade?
I knew from my time studying trypanosomes at the University of Miami that anytime these spirochetes moved about under the skin, they would elicit an enormous immune response. Where was this response with regard to the implants? Doctors reported detecting the implant moving, but there weren’t any obvious signs of pathway destruction. Like a stealth bomber, the implant moved without any trace or signature, almost as if evading the natural human immune response. It was as if the body didn’t know the object was there in the first place. Maybe the implant encouraged the growth of human tissue around itself to keep the body from rejecting it. Post-extraction, some implants moved around the petri dish in which they were confined until they ran out of energy. One theory a doctor told me was that they drew their energy from their host’s body. In one particular instance, a senior CIA official and his wife had a terrifying UAP experience in the backyard of their own home. When they awoke lying on the ground in the yard, the CIA officer had a small hole punched in the back of his neck, and his wife had a small metallic object recovered from her nose when she sneezed. Making things even more interesting, CIA doctors were notified of the circumstances and examined the patients."
Or how about this, confirming Roswell?
"After Eric [Davis] learned more about what was going on, he went on to brief DoD agencies and staff members from both the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on this very topic as well. Eric attended several senior-level meetings, to which I was invited, with various branches of the US military. During these meetings, Eric detailed the Legacy Program’s long-running efforts involving UAP. Within the IC and DoD, his credibility is unimpeachable.
And since then, Hal and other credible, highly placed individuals have informed me of the same information. I don’t recall how my first UAP history lesson in a SCIF with Hal began, but I remember Hal tossing off the most enticing one-liner I’d ever heard:
“Well . . . it all goes back to Roswell in 1947.”
“Wait—Roswell was real?” I asked.
Hal looked at me, clearly weighing whether to bring me further into his circle of trust. “Yes, Lue, it was real.”
“You mean to tell me that a UAP actually crashed and we covered it up?” “That’s exactly what happened,” he replied.
I went quiet, and let his words sink in.
Hal went on to tell me something else that truly blew my mind. Four deceased nonhuman bodies were in fact recovered from the 1947 Roswell crash.
After processing that, I fired off a slew of questions. In head, out mouth . . .
“Have we recovered nonhuman bodies from other UAP crashes?”
He looked at me as if debating how to answer. It was clear to me he wasn’t ready to tell me the answer. I was still the new guy. “We’ll tell you more soon enough,” he said.
“Is every incoming president told the truth?”
“Well, what about Congress? What about the Gang of Eight?” I said, referring to the legendary bipartisan group of political leaders supposedly charged with knowing all of America’s black programs.
Hal explained, “The sad truth is, DoD regards presidents, elected officials, and political appointees as temporary hires. They do not need to know since they will not be in their position for very long. Unless something happens or they really push for it, US presidents do not get briefed, and those who have been briefed have only been given the most basic information.”
Like Neo in the movie The Matrix, I inhaled that red pill. “Tell me more!”"
I think I’m gonna have to give this book a whirl. This topic is just mind blowing to me, I must have gone back and watched the Bob Lazar interview with Rogan at least 4 times now..
Just curious, is Elizondo's new book Imminent worth purchasing? Did it reveal anything new, or catch your attention in any way?
I think it's probably going to become the go-to book for establishing what the US government knows/is doing on the UAP issue.
He did reveal some new stuff -- like the fact that he's seen servicemen have implants of unknown origin removed by surgery after UAP encounters and the implants are mobile, and can evade excision, and keep moving for a short while after they are removed. Here's an excerpt:
"I already knew from other research and interviews that doctors had seen cases where the alleged alien implant evaded extraction by moving subcutaneously when doctors tried to excise it. I heard similar stories when investigating implants removed from otherwise healthy soldiers. Physicians really had to work to pin down and cut out the objects. With my background in microbiology, I was perplexed how highly motile objects such as these could move without creating a devastating path of tissue destruction inside the human body. Where was the white cell response? Where was the destructive immune cascade?
I knew from my time studying trypanosomes at the University of Miami that anytime these spirochetes moved about under the skin, they would elicit an enormous immune response. Where was this response with regard to the implants? Doctors reported detecting the implant moving, but there weren’t any obvious signs of pathway destruction. Like a stealth bomber, the implant moved without any trace or signature, almost as if evading the natural human immune response. It was as if the body didn’t know the object was there in the first place. Maybe the implant encouraged the growth of human tissue around itself to keep the body from rejecting it. Post-extraction, some implants moved around the petri dish in which they were confined until they ran out of energy. One theory a doctor told me was that they drew their energy from their host’s body. In one particular instance, a senior CIA official and his wife had a terrifying UAP experience in the backyard of their own home. When they awoke lying on the ground in the yard, the CIA officer had a small hole punched in the back of his neck, and his wife had a small metallic object recovered from her nose when she sneezed. Making things even more interesting, CIA doctors were notified of the circumstances and examined the patients."
Or how about this, confirming Roswell?
"After Eric [Davis] learned more about what was going on, he went on to brief DoD agencies and staff members from both the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on this very topic as well. Eric attended several senior-level meetings, to which I was invited, with various branches of the US military. During these meetings, Eric detailed the Legacy Program’s long-running efforts involving UAP. Within the IC and DoD, his credibility is unimpeachable.
And since then, Hal and other credible, highly placed individuals have informed me of the same information. I don’t recall how my first UAP history lesson in a SCIF with Hal began, but I remember Hal tossing off the most enticing one-liner I’d ever heard:
“Well . . . it all goes back to Roswell in 1947.”
“Wait—Roswell was real?” I asked.
Hal looked at me, clearly weighing whether to bring me further into his circle of trust. “Yes, Lue, it was real.”
“You mean to tell me that a UAP actually crashed and we covered it up?” “That’s exactly what happened,” he replied.
I went quiet, and let his words sink in.
Hal went on to tell me something else that truly blew my mind. Four deceased nonhuman bodies were in fact recovered from the 1947 Roswell crash.
After processing that, I fired off a slew of questions. In head, out mouth . . .
“Have we recovered nonhuman bodies from other UAP crashes?”
He looked at me as if debating how to answer. It was clear to me he wasn’t ready to tell me the answer. I was still the new guy. “We’ll tell you more soon enough,” he said.
“Is every incoming president told the truth?”
“Well, what about Congress? What about the Gang of Eight?” I said, referring to the legendary bipartisan group of political leaders supposedly charged with knowing all of America’s black programs.
Hal explained, “The sad truth is, DoD regards presidents, elected officials, and political appointees as temporary hires. They do not need to know since they will not be in their position for very long. Unless something happens or they really push for it, US presidents do not get briefed, and those who have been briefed have only been given the most basic information.”
Like Neo in the movie The Matrix, I inhaled that red pill. “Tell me more!”"
I think I’m gonna have to give this book a whirl. This topic is just mind blowing to me, I must have gone back and watched the Bob Lazar interview with Rogan at least 4 times now..